The aim of this project is to increase awareness and accessibility of free-skiing in the Scotland, as a means of getting people into the outdoors. It achieves this aim by taking the user on a personalised, step-by-step journey through the planning process, culminating in a personalised itinerary being generated.
The user is guided through the experience by a narrative which puts them at the
of the planning process. By giving the user a single input per screen and minimising potential routes the app is easy to use. The settings and the users 'Backpack' are visible throughout, however they are only highlighted when there is action to be taken. The user is given feedback at each stage, for example if they have entered any information, or they have completed a task.
The user can access their 'Backpack' at any point when using the app. Their 'Backpack' contains the personal details that they have entered, which can be edited. It also contains sections which will become populated as the user completes a variety of tasks. These sections will also provide extra learning content, and recommendations based on their skills, knowledge, experience, gear which they may or may not have, how to set up a crew, and how to read the mountains and conditions.
Once the user has filled in some basic details, their personalised planning process begins. The steps involved in this stage are taken informed by the steps recommended by British Freeride Co-founder Rob Kingsland. They are presented here a way which help the user to learn a variety of the skills and knowledge required to stay safe in the hills.
The user is asked to watch a selection of clips taken in the Scottish mountains, with a summary of details below. The app will suggest a top destination in the final itinerary based on the length of time each clip is watched.
The personalised guiding narrative
keeps the user engaged in the process.
Once the user has completed the planning process, 
the app generates their personalised itinerary. 
Each item in their itinerary contains the basic information, such as time and place,
as well as a 'To Do' checklist for each step. The user is given the option to expand each item, and will subsequently be shown further relevant information, guides, video tutorials, and helpful links. The items are at this stage still editable, as the itinerary is shared between crew members (the users Freer Skier contacts), their may be a need to
change certain details.
At the end of the itinerary the user is prompted to print, share or download. The printed itinerary will contain plenty of handy information, such as emergency services numbers, best practices etc.
Below is a promotional poster for Freer Skier.
Freer Skier

Freer Skier

Freer Skier is an app that helps you plan for your next adventure into the Scottish Mountains.
