Open Dictionary

A dictionary about the most popular words between February and May 2017, extracted from Urban Dictionary*. The words are redefined by internet users with their own interpretations.

This project aims to archive the use of current languages. It is also an observation to bring together contemporary perspectives of subjectivity in language and thought. We can track words as they evolve and see how they carry different meanings for diverse communities/individuals at different points in time.
* Urban Dictionary, a crowdsourced online dictionary of slang words and phrases, founded in 1999 by Aaron Peckham. 



Editorial design
19.5 x 28 cm
370 pages
perfect binding

Presented in the exposition
Hidden Gem, Pier-2 Art Center

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Open Dictionary

Project Made For

Open Dictionary

Open Dictionary is a constant observation aimed to bring together recent perspectives of subjectivity in language and thought.We can track words Read More
