Daniel Giangiulio's profile

Stride Ad Competition

 Working together with my good friend Caleb Boswell, we entered 3 ads into a Stride print ad competition. Because we found out such short notice we decided to completely compose them with stock imagery in Photoshop. We threw around a few concepts and decided on one I had thought up. I wanted to show the consequences of people using Stride's insanely long lasting gum, and because it was a series of 3 we could showcase 3 unique flavors.
Consequence 1: Found decades later still with your first piece.
Consequence 2: A museum where they keep finished pieces of Stride Gum...Get it??
Consequence 3: You will have plenty of time to chew it while waiting for medical science to advance enough to give you a body again in the future.
Stride Ad Competition

Stride Ad Competition

Quickly done Stride ads for a contest.
