An animated narrative focussed on personal growth.
Tidal: Discovery comes from inside

Tidal is a lm about discovery and hope at its core. The lm opens with the protagonist floating to the bottom of the ocean. She wakes up to and a fish looking at her, and become friends with this first glimpse of hope in the underwater world.
When the sh swims away, she is forced to follow it into a large chasm where she sees a monster in the loom. After taking deciding to face her fear and enter the caves, she finds that the monster was a mere shadow of herself, projected by the sh that was behind her all along.
This tale aims to shed light on the female puberty, as the young girl is becoming a woman, but has to do so alone. This is true for most people since the personal experience of puberty is something that everyone has to go through. In facing the monster, she effectively faces her own shadow and the fear she has of her own growth. Being reunited with her friend is the embodiment of her hope, as it brings hope to her at the start of the lm, and again shows at the end of the lm, that she was always safe and not alone.
Exhibition Poster
Rationale Booklet
This was a massive animation project that I approached in my Honours year. I spent a large amount of my time on planning and creating the illustrations for the animation. The film is meant to make the viewer feel secluded and "drowned" in the same way that the character is. For the most part of the animation, she feels lost, secluded, and unsure of her place in the world.

