A Martial Law Musical for Millennials
A Game of Trolls is PETA's new musical designed to speak to millennials about one of the dark ages in the Philippine history known as "Martial Law". 

  Nowadays for some millennials, Martial Law is just one of their history lessons that can be googled and because the era of technology and social media is here, the exchange of information is quite easy. The "trolls" takes advantage of this and tries to revise history through spreading false information and belittling the efforts of those who fought for the rights and freedom of the Filipino. 

  This musical aims to open the mind of the millennials and show them what it was like during the Martial Law era by speaking their language. 
A Game of Trolls


A Game of Trolls

A Game of Trolls is PETA's new musical designed to speak to millennials about one of the dark ages in the Philippine history known as "Martial La Read More
