Med Manai's profile

Mozilla Tunisia — Website Redesign

Mozilla Tunisia Website V2 Project

Mozilla Tunisia is the local community representing the Mozilla Foundation in Tunisia. As a part of the community and the coding team espcially, we started working on a new and better update of our website.

The idea was a total new rework of the community structure, scalable with more flexibility and less roles with “making the community go big” as a primary goal. The first draft was almost a perfect fit for our team, putting leaders a central position to manage the community activities while the technical and logistical contributors together for a better/easier coordination and communication.

My Role

As the lead designer of the community, my job was to work on basically on the UI refresh but also on the how I can translate my team's ideas into a design.

Starting with an idea

Our community was exceptional. We had amazing people who never stopped coming up with new ideas and project to work on. We had a lot to show and share with people, and where to show that better than our website ?

Content First
Going through rounds of wireframing
The Outcome

Introducing Mozilla Tunisia's Website v2.0

We managed to finish working on the website and closing all the issues on Github withing the two days-sprint.
Solving the major problem

People who want to join our community need a way to :
- Know more about the community
- Discover the contribution areas and projects of our community
- Apply to join the community

In order to tackle this problem and answer these needs, we came up with the /contribute page where people can fill a small form and pick the domain where they would like to contribute.
Mozilla Tunisia — Website Redesign

Mozilla Tunisia — Website Redesign

Mozilla Tunisia is the local community representing the Mozilla Foundation in Tunisia. As a part of the community and the coding team espcially, Read More
