Wahoo Kickr Climb

Wahoo Climb Indoor Grade Simulator

No cyclist wants to ride indoors, but occasionally time and weather requires it. Kickr Climb was designed to enhance the indoor riding experience by adjusting the bike’s position to simulate the feeling of riding on a real road or mountain. This allows cyclists to engage climbing muscles, improve pedaling technique, and naturally change position on the bike – all so they can summit in their living room, then summit the real thing.

Your Ride. Your Way.

The Climb pairs with indoor trainers to deliver a seamless riding experience. It has two experience modes. Ride simulation app control which matches grade changes from training programs and allows you to relive ascents and descents from your favorite rides. It can also be manually controlled via a remote that attached to your handlebars and easily stores away when not in use.

Wahoo Kickr Climb

Wahoo Kickr Climb

Kickr Climb is an indoor grade simulator that allows cyclists to adjust bike position to mimic real roads and mountain climbing.
