An exploration of pen and ink.
With this little project I was trying something new. I have always loved black and white work, but I knew that I needed to branch out into color. But I didn't want to do this in a traditional manner. I also wanted to see if I could make it that my rendering was still the focus of the piece, rather than the color. I knew that I wanted to use splashes of color, rather that the color being contained. And lastly I hadn't done any graphite rendering in a while, so I wanted to incorporate some of that too. So below are the three illustrations that I did in this series, more will be on their way soon. I just need a little more time.
The first of the series, just using one color as a simple drip wash.
My favorite of the three, I used a stronger color and I like it.
I like the wingd in particular, they are done in graphite.


Combining all my favorite mediums into each illustration. I was trying to mix rendering with splashes of color.


Creative Fields