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Social Dilemma Posters

Consumerism is a social and economic order that encourages the acquisition of goods and services in ever-increasing amounts. Nowadays, smart devices are flooding the market, with companies releasing new models year by year, consumers will have the desire to buy more and upgrade. This Poster depicts a barcode made out of various smart devices lined together.
Smartphone addiction is a modern issue. Less and less do we interact with the real world and oft times we are unaware of our surrounding. This phenomenon can drain our energy without us even knowing and in return, affects our want for real people to people interaction. The two reversed wi-fi signs represent the dark circles of the eye due to the fatigue caused by overstaying in the virtual/digital world.
With the ease of gaming on smartphones and tablets nowadays, virtual experiences are replacing physical experiences for a new generation of kids. More and more children are prone to spend more time on smart devices instead of playing outside and having real interaction with other children. It is our responsibilities to give more care to our future generation and not let smart devices get hold of them. The poster depicts a playground slide that, when climbed up, has a smart tablet platform. The title is “>slide to play”, saying that the child nowadays is more prone to play a game on the tablet instead of playing on real slides in the playground.
“Particulate Matter” or simply PM, are microscopic solid or liquid matter suspended in Earth’s atmosphere, fine particles with a diameter of 2.5 μm or less can be inhaled easily by humans and cause damage to our lungs, with the advancement of waste pollution, our air quality degrades day by day, this poster is a call to our environmental conscience.

Personal Project
Discipline: Graphic Design, Copywriting.
Designed by Nathan Chen

Social Dilemma Posters

Social Dilemma Posters

The social issue/satirical posters are visual elements that invokes our social consciousness, each poster depicts a subject matter.
