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The brief was to create awareness around the plastic pollution crisis, and find a way to
encourage change when it comes to plastic consumption habits and laws, as
well as influence audiences to engage with marine conservation causes.

We designed a game called JAWS, which bears a striking resemblance to the
1975 blockbuster film, but with an ironic twist. In the game, what’s chasing us is
not a vengeful shark, but the very plastic we are dumping into the oceans. The
idea was to engage with consumer audiences about the cause in a fun and
relatable way, without guilt-tripping them, or being fact-heavy, but while still
stressing the seriousness of the situation.
In gameplay, saving endangered oceanic species and picking up plastic litter
helps players collect points and live longer in the game, teaching individuals that
their choices have an environmental impact. The game cannot be won,
emphasizing the true nature of the plastic pollution crisis, but instead creates a
necessary sense of urgency by personifying the plastic into a giant man-eatingmonster that’s coming to get you.
There are many educational features included,
such as a fact book where you can read up on the endangered marine wildlife
you see, and different maps from endangered reefs. The game even features a
store, where players can buy cosmetic extras, of which all the proceeds go to
helping conservation projects.