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Materialisation 7 VIII - Design Project

Materialisation 7 VIII - Design Project 
Materialisation 7, watercolour, trial 1, Remember Now.

As the previous artworks based from Remember Now, the materialisations are inspired by fashion art style where it is rushed yet stylised, non-proportional, colourful and creative. I have decided to re-create that art style with my Remember Now materialisations, I have attempted a messy, non-realistic and colourful art style.

After a teacher discussion, we have agreed that it would be best the simplify and take back the art style as its currently too much on the visuals.
Materialisation 7, watercolour, trial 2 / final, Remember Now.

As previously mentioned it was best to recreate materialisation 7 as it too crowded and filled. To simplify I tried for a cleaner brushstroke, fewer features, less colours and smoother water drops.
Before & After
Materialisation 7 VIII - Design Project

Materialisation 7 VIII - Design Project
