body image —

A few abstract sketch models to explore the idea of self image examined through three different sculptural gestures and limited material palette. The figures range from 3 - 6 inches tall and maybe an inch and a half wide. One figure's face is turned down toward the ground, the second figure's body is learning as if being pulled down by an invisible weight, and the third is quiet and stoic, despite a deep wound. The three figures, modeled in a soft white clay, are blinded by a leather strip or wrap and supported by precarious dowel feet and legs. The leather strip is a representation of the skin and our perception of our skin. The models are in effect being blinded by their perception of themselves.

creature two
creature three
foot detail of creature three. carved basswood feet and legs with basswood splinter leg shims
foot detail of creature two. copper wires make up mechanical 'ankles' for four long digits
Small design moves like featuring the bar code from the wooden dowel added further to the objectification of the sad creatures. An organic material palette was used in order to unify the three creatures as well as create a stark cool feeling. The decision to not include arms or other physical features was a choice to leave the figures at a resolution abstract enough to limit the resulting narratives, and to prevent a reading into of unaddressed topics like gender, age, or really even specie.

I hope you enjoyed these little things, making them was a great exercise in distillation and editing. Both of materiality and message. Please feel free to let me know what you see or read from these little creatures, as well as any critiques you might have.

kind regards,

e m
body image

body image

Figure Models examining the idea of body image through materiality.
