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Death By MetaL - Official Movie Merchadise Design

Death By MetaL es un documental que expone la trayectoria del grupo Death, además de traer contenido exclusivo acerca de la vida del músico estadounidense Chuck Schuldiner, quien fue uno de los integrantes de esta mítica banda de Death Metal. Esta vez, el reto de comunicación consistía en realizar el cartel oficial para esta película documental. Para ello fue necesario conocer a fondo el mundo del Death Metal y todo lo que esta banda representa para el mundo de la música en general. Proyecto realizado para: Orchard Hill y Mental Productions.

Death By Metal is a documentary that exposes the musical career of the American metal band Death and has exclusive content about the life of the lead singer Chuck Schuldiner, who was a key member for the development of this legendary metal band. For this project, the designing goal was to create the official poster for this documentary film. To achieve this goal, it was necessary to conduct thorough research about the musical genre of death metal as well as what this band represents for the music industry in general. Project made for: Orchard Hill and Mental Productions.

Directed By: Felipe Belalcázar
Clients: Orchard Hill & Mental Productions
Poster Design: Federico Rossi
Merchandise Design: Federico Rossi
Ontario, Canada

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Death By MetaL - Official Movie Merchadise Design


Death By MetaL - Official Movie Merchadise Design

Death By MetaL - Official Movie Merchandise Design
