Yifei Zhao's profile

Gremlin Terminator

Gremlin Terminator
Gremlin Terminator is a Mixed Reality experience made by four people in which people need to eliminate the virtual gremlins to keep the real food clean.
In this project, the MR experience was built on the platforms Unity, Vuforia and HoloLens. I was in charge of the state machine programming, interaction implementation and virtual objects calibration.

In this project, I extended some interactions beyond the HoloLens toolkit for Unity. As designed in the toolkit, the user can only interact with the object being gazed at, which takes the user a lot of efforts to aim at the interactable objects. To make it easier to be interacted, I designed and implemented an interaction which only based on the hand position with several steps. First, modifying the class InputManager of the toolkit to check the interacting events with an iteration of all interactable objects made it possible to interact without gazing. To update the cursor position according to the hand, I implemented a custom cursor class inherited from the default cursor class and overwrote the positioning function according to the hand position. Finally, generating a ray from camera to hand position when gesture detected triggered the interaction function.
Gremlin Terminator

Gremlin Terminator

Mixed Reality game to protect the food from gremlins
