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5 Tips for Relocating Plants Safely

5 Tips for Relocating Plants Safely
Relocating is a common process an individual goes through at some or the other point of their life. No matter  the reason behind the move, certain things might cause disturbance and difficulty when planning the move. This is true especially in case of things that hold sentimental value such as the beautiful plants around the house. The very thought of leaving these beautiful plants behind is bound to get you worried and hit you with a pang of sadness.

Planting and maintaining plants or garden takes time and effort. If you are not moving far away from your current location, then you can definitely consider relocating plants. This process will require you to be on your toes as it will take extra care and attention to not damage the greens in any way.  Moving plants that you’ve cared for so lovingly has to be taken care of very delicately because it is as good as moving industrial storage solutions; meaning extreme caution has to be exercised.

The following article is full of guidelines for plant care that you will need before, during and after your move. This plant guide will reflect everything; right from how to prepare and provide for moving plants to the things that are to be listed on the restriction list.

Consider The Time Of Shifting
If possible try to consider the time of movement as it is best to move perennials during early spring and fall. The temperature during these seasons is not overly hot making it the least harmful time to relocate plants. It is advisable not to attempt relocation of plants during hot summer months because the weather will be dry and stressful for the plant.
Shifting potted plants is simpler when compared to relocating the ones growing on ground level. When relocating plants from the ground, dig up as much root as possible, allowing the soil to help plants during the move. Plants are quickly stressed when removed from the soil during the hot weather.

If by any chance you are relocating in warm weather, stop periodically in shaded areas to cool down the temperature a bit. Avoid exposing plants to direct sunlight or extremely cold weather, as both can be hazardous to plants.

Before The Moving Process
Similar to packing away all your items in the carton, segregating and labelling them, certain necessary steps are to be taken before packing plants. It is safer to move the plants into unbreakable plastic pots for transportation and this must be done around three weeks before the moving day.

Prune larger plants two weeks before moving day to make the plants compact and easy for handling during transportation. One of the benefits of pruning is to yield healthy, bushy, attractive plants after your move. Remember, succulents and ferns such as cactus or jade plants are not to be pruned.

A week before moving day, make sure that you check plants for insects and parasites. Apply insecticide if needed and exercise caution when applying the chemical. Water your plants normally two days before moving day. Avoid overwatering the plant and stay clear of the ill effects that can be caused by too much water. Watering the plants too much can cause freezing in cold weather or promote fungus growth in warm weather.

Packing Plants Properly
Packing plants securely is a must to ensure that they won't tip over and have plenty of fresh air. Do not worry about spending too much money on packing supply because they are quite affordable. Whenever you schedule the moving the last set of items that you are moving must be plants. Avoid putting them in trunk of your car and if possible load the pots closest to your departure time.

Make use of larger pots or heavy duty plastic containers, which will give plenty of room to plants and ensure that the soil is amply moist. Wrapping roots of large plants, shrubs and trees in burlap is also recommended in order to keep the roots moist.

Maintain a comfortable temperature in your car. Water the plants in case they seem unusually dry and try wrapping them with burlap or paper bags to retain  moisture. It is very important to expose the plants to the lights in case you are travelling for more than three days. Take the initiative to carry plants indoor when you lodge or somehow expose them to light.

Jump Into Action
Once you reach the destination, unpack your plants as soon as possible. Preferably move the plants in same pots or pots of similar sizes as the ones before you moved. Let them settle to the change of environmental factor before you move the plants around.

Transporting Plants To New Location
Once you leave for the destination, take all necessary steps for plant care. It is recommended that you keep the planting site ready before your arrival, so that the plants can be placed in the ground without any delay.

Consider transporting flowers, shrubs and trees in a closed vehicle, such as a truck, to avoid wind damage. If you will be travelling for quite some distance, avoid relocating plants during summer as they are likely to wilt.

Checking the moisture levels of plants while travelling should be on your priority list. If you must relocate during an undesirable hot weather, protect plants by establishing a 4-inch layer of mulch that will help retain moisture. Accept the fact that your plants will take several weeks to become adapted to their new home. 

Cultivating healthy plants is a lot of work and effort. It is natural for you to consider moving your cherished plants and it is totally possible to relocate them. Choose the right time and by paying adequate attention you will manage to relocate your plants safely. Consider the tips mentioned above as they will guarantee safety of your plants when moving.
5 Tips for Relocating Plants Safely

5 Tips for Relocating Plants Safely


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