The Paper Scribbler

Giving life to the written word, one poem at a time.

More works can be found here.
If there is one thing all of us need to stop doing, it is to stop growing inward - 
making more space for others around us, as we gradually wither into oblivion. 

If you believe in storytelling through poetry as much as I do, 
there is no poem more powerful than Shrinking Women by Lily Myers

Art Credits: Girl with Lilac by Michael Taylor 

Crude, zig-zagging cracks,
in dilapidated old buildings,
groaning under the promise of new life.

Nature finding ways to overcome the rubble,
and take back what's hers

Reminds me how beauty always finds its way,
even to the darkest of corners.

Image: Pinterest 

I walked into a painting today. 

From waking dreams in half-forgotten caves,
and skies generously sprinkled with stars
to walking into a Monet worthy wallpaper
at day-break.

Never a dull moment
when you return the mountains' call.

Image: Dusk, as seen from atop the hill

An existential crisis 

If there's one thing I'm absolutely sure of,
it's that existence is a curse,
set to doom humankind to eternity.

And yet,
the only thing that makes it all worthwhile,
is living it.

Image: The dying flowers against a wall in my bedroom. 

Home Again

After exhaustingly dreadful days,
I see you,
and I'm home again.

Artwork credits: @artparasitesofficial

You say I'm the simmering embers,
of flames long subdued - 
the last shred of warmth,
on a cold winter's night.

No, darling.
I am the blazing fire. 


The day you stop barricading your tumultuous heart,
like a fragile fragment of glass,
wrapped in synthetic covers. 
Is the day you will notice its steady rhythm,
like the war cry of battles past,
and deafening roars,
of ancient oceans. 
The Golden Hour

When the sun kisses the horizon,
And the last traces of day
Still linger in the air. 
And just for a brief moment,
The world stands still. 
What could be more perfect than that? 

 To be able to turn - evolve - convert,
your emotions- anxieties - frustrations,
into something productive.

That, is art.

Sing it.
Write it.
Sculpt it.
Dance it.

Art it. 

Your heart,
is a bundle of constellations.
And I'm just a beginner,
learning to stargaze. 
Forgotten Child

In an alternate universe,
where hidden motives don’t govern our actions, just yet.
The forgotten child isn’t a gender,
or a species, 
a different shape, 
size or colour. 
But, a memory of what we once were.

But maybe it isn’t an alternate universe, after all.

I grew up believing I was the shadows 
of people who shone much brighter than me.
But every shadow has a purpose.
I just haven't found mine yet.



Creative Fields