A Golden-Backed Jackal with its fresh kill, a baby Thomson's Gazelle.

The King of the Jungle enjoys a nice nap under an Acacia Tree.
A Golden-Backed Jackal spotted in the Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania at dusk.
A female African Elephant warning us not to come any closer.
An African Helmeted Turtle spotted by our guide while driving through the Tarangire National Park.
A Spotted Hyena on the prowl for its next meal.
A family of Vervet Monkey's sits perched on the roof of a public washroom.
A mother and baby Thomson's Gazelle watching us cautiously while we drive by.

A male Ostrich in pursuit of a female Ostrich in hopes of mating with it.
A Superb Starling perched on a branch, found in the Tarangire National Park, Tanzania.
A tower of Giraffes watches us as we proceed on our walking safari through the Serengeti National Park.
A mother and baby Hippopotamus relax by a lake in the Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania.
A Vervet Monkey spotted in a tree near a picnic area in the Ngorongoro Crater National Park.
Two Lion cubs follow their mother back into the bush of the Ngorongoro Crater National Park.
A Dazzle of Zebras huddles together to help use their tails to swipe the flies away from their faces.
A lone Giraffe stands among thousands of Pink Flamingo's in the Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania
A herd of Waterbuck grazing in the savannah of the Tarangire National Park, Tanzania.
A pair of Zebras stand patiently in front of a gnarled old tree in the Tarangire National Park, Tanzania.
A Lion cub chews peacefully on an overhanging branch while its family sleeps behind it.
Giraffes are the tallest land mammals on Earth.
A fierce Lioness watches a herd of Gazelles with curiosity inside the Ngorongoro Crater.
We were lucky to experience a play-fight between two female Elephants.
A baby Elephant stumbled unknowingly across our path.
A mother and baby Hippo relaxing in the glades of the Ngorongoro Crater.
Zebras stripes are like a human fingerprint, no two are the same.
A Lioness scanning the Serengeti plains for potential prey.
Driving through the Serengeti Plains in the blistering heat.
Two grumpy looking Bat-Eared Foxes woken up by our vehicle passing by.
African sunrises truly are out of this world.
A herd of Wildebeest outlined by the sunset during the golden hour.
A couple of Lionesses enjoy a cat-nap in the shade on a hot summer’s day.
A dazzle of Zebras bask in a slice of sunlight during the calm before the storm.
We had the amazing opportunity to experience the explosive power of a Cheetah while it hunted and killed a Gazelle.
Tanzania, Africa

Tanzania, Africa
