Lavanya Chandran's profile

Billion Hearts Beating

The BillionHeartsBeating Campaign
Studies show Indians are at a far greater risk to heart disease than most other nationalities. In fact, we’re four times more likely to have a heart attack than our Western counterparts. But the good news is, we CAN do something about it.

By taking the pledge to lead a healthier life, we as a nation are fighting heart disease. This campaign has reached every nook and corner of India, the pledge has been taken by chief ministers, celebrities and respectable folk alike. And it's still going strong with close to 90,000 pledges taken...this campaign has taken on a life of its own. And its done phenomenally well, and has most definitely accomplished its mission in making our nation aware of this chronic disease sweeping the nation.

Following are some of the ads,designed by me, issued in the time of India, full page, half page and quarter page ads on the front page of the nations largest selling newspaper along with a few emailers.
Full page ad for The Times Of India
Billion Hearts Beating

Billion Hearts Beating

Nation wide campaign against heart disease.
