This was part of a massive product catalogue redesign that I lead much of the effort on. The design process was started by my predecessor Nicole Collins, and developed further to its final state by yours truly. Nicole was largely responsible for the overal layout, and I did much of the typesetting (character/paragraph styles), image prep & placement, fine tuning, and prepped all of the line drawings. 

This project took the bulk of my last four months at Electric Mirror, as it required a vast amount of content gathering, creation, ordering image renderings, image sourcing, collecting engineering drawings (then prepping them for marketing use), edits & more.
I did the bulk of the design work on the emailer campaigns that EM did. (I also wrote all of the copy for Diamond Clear.) Sometimes things got added after the project left my hands and before it was blasted, though... like that "Win an Integrity Lighted Mirror..." part. 

I was largely responsible for the content of EM's emailer campaigns for much of the time I worked there. From writing feature articles & ad copy, to preparing images, and eventually redesigning the whole emailer layout/look, I've had my hands in every area of visual & content sides of the emailer campaigns. 
This was a printed poster to promote Electric Mirror's Mirror of the Year design challenge. I was responsible for running that campaign from inception to completion. I essentially was given a directive for the contest, then was given free range. I wrote the contest rules, designed the "look" for the contest, designed the web content (then sent it away to be coded), wrote all the copy, and arranged the adjudication & prizes for the winner.
While I cannot claim to have designed this trade show booth, I keep it in my portfolio to detail the work I did in the trade show arena. I did not do the illustrations on this booth, but I DID do the production work on this side of the booth - prepping the files & working through the printing process with the nice folks over at Print Northwest. Once the vinyl was printed, I worked with a professional installer and our shop guys to install the nine sheets of vinyl. 

I managed EM's trade show calendar for the entire time I worked there. Starting with no experience in trade show management my first day on the job, I organized & executed (with minimal errors & difficulties at the show) over twenty show events on behalf of the company. 
Electric Mirror

Electric Mirror

I worked at Electric Mirror as their Marketing Coordinator, Copywriter for fifteen months. The position ended in a significant round of layoffs. Read More
