Inesa Hewson's profile

Social Campaign - 'Nature is closer than you think'

Social Advertising Campaign - 'Nature is closer than you think'
Final Posters Designs.

Postnatal depression is one of the biggest and most serious problems effecting new mothers. In this poster 
I have tried to capture the emotions from the initial onset of depression through till a brighter and more happier time. Trying to show the journey a mother needs to take in order to recover from this terrible and common illness.

I chose the background image to be a morning scene, cold and lifeless. Grey skies coupled with this background give a depressing and unhappy feeling to the poster.The colours and images of the woman (myself) and my daughter give the feeling that the poster is designed to give advice and help, not to sell a product. Into the design is incorporated my nal logo and at the footer is located information which details the problems and advice on postnatal depression. 
Second mother experience physical pain and it is the most common reason for women to give up breastfeeding their baby. Issues such as sore nipples, mastitis and other physical pains are very common and can be overcome with help and advice.My design incorporates a model mother, her angry and uncomfortable images show the pain which mothers go through everyday. The background image is that of a tree lined path in the sunshine, rays of light beaming through the branches of the trees give bright and uplifting feel.This represents the light at the end of the road as well as the path which must be walked to achieve breastfeeding success. 
This image show the mother who is standing for her rights and she is confident with what she is doing. No shame or embarrassment this time. She wants to feed her baby, in public without society bearing down on her, judging her and making her feel unwelcome.The background image of the busy city traffic and buildings represents society as a whole, hectic and uncaring.This mother is strong and powerful, in an uplifting and empowering poster design. Again the information is located in the footer.The reason a baby of being displayed away from her mother is that, some society discriminate breastfeeding mothers and tried to put blame on the family, even the British law is on the women side. Society is time to grow up! 
This work was completed in 2017 May for my Creative Enterprise; Digital Media BA (Hons) realisation project.

Thank You for attention!!! 
Social Campaign - 'Nature is closer than you think'

Social Campaign - 'Nature is closer than you think'

“Nature is closer than you think” I have chosen this slogan to represent the breastfeeding importance.A slogan was suggested by my colleague fro Read More
