Cor'Darius Brown's profile

Geometric Self Portrait

This project was designed for us to create a geometric self portrait based on our choosing. In this design I chose a dramatic pose that I would have fun illustrating, as well become visually pleasing to the eye. We were to execute using triangels or any geometric shape to create a visual recongnizable as ourselves.

In my process I began by uploading my image. Then I decided on sizing it to my artboard (but not distorting it) and simply letting it run off the page board as it pleases. Using a clipping makes I made my image stay within the boundaries of the artboard I had created. Next, I turend down it’s opactity to at least 75% so I could see the image but the illustration would take dominance over it. When I obtained a desired visual I then used my command+2 to lock this image so it would not move. Next I made a new layer for my illustration. And then continued to conect shapes until I got my image, and from then just inserted colors.

During this process I learned many things. For one, connected many shapes you’ll have to work out kinks like white lines in between them. I found it frustrating to say the least as I usually illustrate differently. Also, I learned that creating a set up is everything. Knowing your ideal design is the best thing to set up before you start. I learned how to use the gradient tool better as well. Things I already knew were shortcut commands for pretty much everything ranging from direct select all the way to the advanced so it wasn’t too time consuming. There is always thinks to be learned in design so acknowledging this was critical to keeping an open mind to fluid design. I will definitely continue to grow & use these skills in future works of art.
Geometric Self Portrait

Geometric Self Portrait
