lydia belew's profile

Geometric self portrait

The Objective of this project "Geometric self portrait" was to create a self image of myself with the use of Adobe Illustrator. In the process of creating the portrait it expanded my knowledge on the illustrator tools specifically basic shapes, the gradient tool, layers, and eye dropper tool.
the first step in making my geometric self portrait was to find a good selfie of myself which was one of the most difficult things for me considering I am not a huge fan of pictures. After I had found a decent picture, the next step was to check the quality in illustrator. After the quality checked out I then got busy. I started creating triangles that outlined the highlights in the image. After that I focused on the darker parts. Lastly I focused for a long time on my facial features to make sure I didn't just turn out like a huge triangle blob. After I was happy with the result of my face I then focused on the background where I added a pink gradient. I went with the color pink because I felt it matched best with the color of my lips and gave the portrait a pop of color. After that I searched my way over her to behance and here we are.

Throughout this process I learned a great deal. I can say my illustrator skills have strengthen so much after this process. It was very enjoyable and some what zin like feeling. I learned many shortcuts in illustrator and came to know them very well as that was mostly what made the process go by a lot smoother. Without the shortcuts I would probably still be working on it. The project helped strengthen my knowledge a great deal in the illustrator program.
Geometric self portrait

Geometric self portrait


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