Michael Cook's profile

Project 1-Culture Mask

Description: I made this piece by using a mold and applying soft clay into it and letting it harden to take shape. I put paper towels in between the clay and the mold so it wouldn't stick. Once the mold was dry I took out the clay and cut out eyes and a mouth. I also added eye brows and cheek dots. Once it was fired I added various colors to make it unique from other pieces. I also added a stripe on the top to make it look similar to other tribal masks I have seen.

Anayze: This piece was inspired from various culture masks around the world. The painting was meant to resemble a Chinese mask also by adding the cheek dots it adds to the appearance. I used variety and proportion as elements of design in my piece. Variety was used in the painting by using several different coors. I also used proportion as the facia features match the size of the mask itself.

Interpretation: When I was creating this piece it reminded me of a video game I used to pay as a kid. In the game there was a character I aways would use that had a similar mask on. I wanted the piece to remind of that childhood game but also be unique at the same time. When others see this piece i want it to remind them of a character that they could have seen at any point in their life. I also want it to be seen as a unique piece that hasn't been seen before.

Judgement: My strengths when making this piece was adding the details such as the eyebrows. their isn't much of additive of subtractive details but I made them similar to other masks. If i were to redo the mask I would add other additive or subtractive details and maybe different colors. As my first time making a mask I thought it was successfu but definately has room to grow. I am proud of my first attempt at a mask and think it is a successful piece all together.
Project 1-Culture Mask

Project 1-Culture Mask


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