"Prisma cone"
"Prisma cube"
"Prisma cylinder"

Shading style based on "Prisma". It is a term given to objects that are made via "Void-Hardened Prisma Crystals."
As you can see from the attached reference image below, the shape has high contrast due to the various color shades found on a single surface.
Idea inspired by Warframe

The color tones are custom-picked as the default color guide wouldn't look quite well. The color of these designs revolves around cyan.

Initially I shade by following the shape but it wasn't quite satisfied with the result. It made me look back at the referred image and made me realized that the color variation doesn't occur radially, they are random-like tone curves on the surface. I did just that.

This is my first time doing vector shading so if you have any suggestions on how I should improve, do feel free to leave a comment below XD.

Vector Shading

Vector Shading
