
Here is a *peeking from behind the door because I'm shy* peek of the times when I was creating the set of my stop motion film 'Jivlag'.

The storyline is based in 1960, India, so a research was made to study everything about the 60s, the houses, props, lighting, costumes, etc and the goal was to bring about the rawness of the black and white era.
To understand the spacing and placement of furniture and other objects in the room I first designed a quick 3D model of the room.
The miniature set is of the scale 1:6. Every object except the samai-lamps and the golden utensils is handcrafted and carefully measured so it doesn't pop out as oversized or undersized abnormality in my character's life.
The puppets are made from scratch, aluminium wire twisted around thermocol, wrapped with thread, a coat of water+glue, masking tape and finally clay. For hair, I stuck black threads on a wig cap (is that what you call it?).
Thank you!
Making of Jivlag