In 2017, I started drawing daily hoping to find a way to express myself and to develop a style... to find what makes me unique.

Although I'm still on that path, I did realize that one of the things that I enjoy the most is to stay in the details. I rejoice myself shamelessly with a magnifying glass in my hand recreating textures.

This and the fact that I can't spend many hours a day drawing makes me a slow drawer.
When I came to accept this first discovery about me, I thought it would be fun to play with these words.

I decided then to draw a series of very slow animals carrying a little drawer: a turtle, a snail, a sloth... But when I was working on the snail, I had an idea for a new project and I couldn't wait to start. I bet the sloth won't mind waiting a bit longer ;)
Turtle's original photo by Luca Ambrosi — Unsplash
Snail's original photo by Johan Desaeyere — Unsplash


Two drawings of slow animals carrying a drawer.
