Light Cubed : Fall 2016
Philadelphia, PA
During the fall of my third year of architecture school, I participated in the Philadelphia University and Aalto University Group X, Urban Equinox Light and Space Design Charrette for Third Year Architecture Students. Tasked to design a 25 x 140 foot site located at 20th and Arch Streets in center city Philadelphia using lighting as the focus, I designed a new gathering space and cocktail bar for the city. Sitting atop a large reflecting pool, three glass cubes form light-wells of varying opacities and size to be illuminated allowing light to reflect off of the water creating soothing shadows on the glass panels. With reflecting pools at the bottom of each light-well, the same effect occurs on the lower level of the building allowing for a relaxing and welcoming environment for the public. During the day the calming noise of rippling waters allows this space to become a calming environment for workers to enjoy their lunch breaks and step back from their jobs in a stress reducing space.
Upper Level Floor Plan
Lower Level Floor Plan
Longitudinal Section
Light Cubed

Light Cubed


Creative Fields