Ruins, the play: illustration, logo, website & social media images
Ruins is a one-act play written by Hope Rehak and directed by Heather Harvey. It ran off-Broadway in September 2017 at the American Theatre of Actors. We put together key illustration, a logo, website, postcards, and social media icons/GIFs to help promote the one-act, which takes place on a rooftop just above a house party and depicts the hilarious anguish of a decade-long unrequited love between childhood friends.

Given that the play takes place on a rooftop overlooking the Chicago skyline, we illustrated an empty scene to depict the moment right before the actors take the stage. The color palette, typography, and illustration style matches the play's modern, tragicomic style. We modified Fira Sans UltraLight for the primary logo, then used Sofia Pro Extra Light for the sub-header & Roboto Thin for the postcard body copy.  
Above: Twitter background layout
Below: graphics for Instagram
ruins, the play

ruins, the play

Ruins is a one-act play written by Hope Rehak and directed by Heather Harvey. It ran off Broadway in September 2017 at the American Theatre of Ac Read More
