Stick Figure Family Car Sticker Decal
Artist’s Statement I wanted the Dad to look like the head chef with the typical grill spatula, the Mom was to have a fancier apron, and the Grandmother was to have the only baked good fresh out of the oven. I wanted the teen Sister to be clean with a whisk, and the Brother to be clean with an oven mitten to make you think baseball for a boy, and that’s probably what he does in his free time. I wanted the younger sister to be a little messy with a messy spatula, and the younger Brother to be juggling eggs and had dropped one. The baby Sister was to be in a large mixing bowl with a wooden spoon and the baby Brother would be banging on a pot with two wooden spoons. I tried to think of what you may typically see or think of per person for a family that was cooking obsessed. I wanted to stick with the typical stick family slightly messy and hand drawn look. I also wanted to had in a little detailing for when you see them up close.
Fan Sticker Set

Fan Sticker Set

To create a fan sticker set for a cooking obsessed family for a school assignment.
