Anne Teunissen's profile

2D - Environment drawing

Environment drawing
I started with writing a short story about this environment and after that made three tumbnails (below). I wanted to make the first tumbnail, but I wasn't completely satisfied with the composition so I made it again with some changes (4th tumbnail). I decided to make that one, and I wanted to make it in the evening time.

The final result and the process of making it:

Here you can read the story behind it and see some pictures I drew inspiration from.

Wasted land

A few years back we were attacked.
Not by terrorist groups or other countries like we would always think. Not even the sci-fi nerds were right with their aliens.
We destroyed ourselves.
There was an outbreak at a chemical facility and some weird virus was set lose on the world. It all happened so fast, I can’t remember everything but I know the gits of it. Apparently, people with one particular gene died instantly and let me tell you, it was not a pretty sight. Now with just fifteen percent of the population left on this planet, cities are collapsing. Literally. The economy and politics were non-existent within a few weeks of the epidemic. Now with no one doing any upkeeping, the buildings are falling apart. Sometimes I can feel a small earthquake from the impact. Nobody cares anymore about this beautiful landscape, they all hide in the woods where there is water and food.
But as I walk here, whistling a tune, I look around me and see a city that was taken back by the rightful owner. By nature. A wasteland where life blooms. But maybe this isn’t that much of a wasted land after all.
2D - Environment drawing

2D - Environment drawing
