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Cycling Canada Cyclisme Rebrand


Cycling Canada Cyclisme is the governing body for competitive cycling within Canada. Since 1882, this national sporting organization has aimed to develop and sustain an effective system that trains talented Canadian cyclists to achieve Olympic, Paralympic, and World Championship medal performances. Cycling Canada competes in an assortment of sports, both at national and international level, such as bicycle moto cross (BMX), cyclo-crossing, mountain biking, para-cycling, road, and track.

Cycling Canada Cyclisme is the umbrella organization of 10 provincial and 1 territorial federations or associations. Each provincial and territorial governing body contains their own unique variety of memberships and events for athletes. Available memberships can vary from coaching, novice participation, competing solely at provincial level, or racing for national championships.

Aside from the participation of athletes and recreational cyclists, this non-profit organization is reliant on the contributions of the Canadian public. Examples of involvement includes recruiting volunteers, encouraging fan and spectator attendance, sponsorship, and accepting donations.

Brand Challenges

A major branding problem with regards to visual identity relates to the lack of brand guidelines, consistency, or even use on critical applications, such as uniforms. This has caused every governing province and territory to appear visually separate to Cycling Canada Cyclisme. As seen in the logos above, all organizations’ identities do not speak to each other. This causes a major confusion for potential customers who are trying to understand how the association works and connects.

Another brand problem is how the organization fails to appeal to the community or novice bicyclist. CAN-BIKE and other training organizations are not the main focus of the current Cycling Canada Cyclisme brand, and are always considered a second thought. This shows that Cycling Canada Cyclisme is too focused on using all their resources to train elite athletes, while ignoring the ‘community aspect’ that they speak about through donations and volunteerism, which goes against the organization's values. Aside from athletes, fans may not want to encourage or be involved in a sport that disregards inclusivity and endangers public safety.

Moreover, the current branding does not speak to future customers: the youth. The current branding is outdated, the website focus is biased, and does not aim to encourage potential cyclists to become an elite Olympian one day. In order to encourage the future participation of customers, it is crucial that Cycling Canada change the way they allow customers to see them. Cycling Canada may be successful in sending off athletes and winning events, but they must let customers know that it is possible to reach that level with the help of their training and facilities.

Challenge, Community, and Devotion

The objectives of the rebrand will focus on three essence words to better focus the Cycling Canada Cyclisme brand. Firstly, challenge is defined as “a task or situation that tests someone’s abilities”. The organization encourages cyclists and athletes of all skillsets to train and always urge themselves to improve on their talents, whether it may be for a competition or independent motivation.

Community represents “the people of a district or country considered collectively, especially in the context of social values and responsibilities; society.” It is “the condition of sharing or having certain attitudes and interests in common”. Cycling Canada Cyclisme requires an increase of shared national interest, whether it may be from cyclists, fans, volunteers, or donors, in order to grow the sport of cycling.

Devotion is showing “love, loyalty, or enthusiasm for a person or activity”. Cycling Canada displays the sport of cycling as a way of life for all Canadian athletes and fans that contributes to the development of one’s social spaces and self-discipline.

The Mark

The mark focused on reshaping the element of the bicycle and the maple leaf from the previous logo.

Using the element of the infinity as the bicycle suited Cycling Canada Cyclisme's values. The infinity bicycle emphasizes cycling as a sport of life; it has an everlasting impact on community, health, sportsmanship, and longing in history from their athletes, fans, and the future that they will continue to create together as a nation.

Adding the symbolic maple leaf not only demonstrates a strong Canadian identity, but turning it on its side indicates a sense of direction for the bicycle. The leaf emphasizes the pursuit for challenge and always pushing oneself forward.

The Return of Canada Blue

Cycling Canada Cyclisme’s new visual presence brings back their traditional Canada Blue, which has been used in their jerseys since the 1960s. This is a crucial era for cycling in Canada, as the grown interest of cycling and its multitude of racing sports nationally boomed in the 1960s. This dynamic period brought iconic athletes, such as Louis Garneau, Jocelyn Lovell, Steve Bauer, Alison Sydor, and the many more Hall of Famers who have devoted themselves to the sport.

The Brand Manual

Maintaining a strong visual identity through this Graphic Standards manual will ensure that the brand and vision of Canada as a leading cycling nation is preserved. It is cruical that the provincial and territorial governing boards follow these standards to ensure consistency throughout our Canadian communities. This allows Cycling Canada Cyclisme's members and involved partners to progressively and proudly spread their identity on a national and international basis.


Thank you!

Cycling Canada Cyclisme Rebrand

Cycling Canada Cyclisme Rebrand

A rebrand project for Cycling Canada Cyclisme, focusing on bringing back the heritage of Canada Blue and developing a coherent brand for all medi Read More
