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parkinson diseases

Several Medical Tourists availing Best Treatment for Parkinson's Disease in India
What is Parkinson's disease?

There are millions of people who have been affected by Parkinson’s diseases and the number is continually rising. It is a kind of progressive nervous system disorder, which affects a person’s movement, the way they speak and write. Parkinson’s disease is caused due to the degeneration or damage caused to the dopamine-producing nerve cells known as Dopaminergic cells, which make it harder for the brain to regulate and hamper the coordination of muscle movement.

Symptoms can be:

* Primary motor symptoms:
           => Slowness, stiffness in movement, also known as Bradykinesia
           => Shaking or resting tremor, stress or anxiety
           => Rigidity of muscles
           => Instability while standing, impaired balance and coordination

* Secondary motor symptoms:
           => Cramping
           => Drooling
           => Fatigue 
           => Tendency to stoop
           => Loss of facial expression
           => Difficulty in swallowing
           => Sexual dysfunction
           => Involuntary movements
           => The arms of the patients may not swing during walking

Causes of Parkinson's disease

There are some factors that make people more vulnerable to Parkinson’s disease:

* Age: Since it is an old age disease, the situation becomes more risky as the person ages
* Job: Working conditions also matters for some people; like some have work at factories where they have to handle chemicals that might be harmful
* Family history: If the patient’s parent, brother or sister has it then he or she is more likely to get it
* Head injury: If the patient suffered a severe head injury to lose unconsciousness and is forgetting things then he or she is more likely to get this disease later in life
* Gender: Men are more vulnerable than women 
* Place of residence: Living conditions also matter; for example people handling chemicals related to farming

Available Treatment

Till now there is no established treatment for Parkinson’s disease. The available approaches are majorly focused on keeping the difficult symptoms of this disease under control. It depends on the severity of the condition, based on which the treatment approach is chosen.

India is extremely blessed in this matter as there is easy possibility of the best treatment for Parkinson's disease in India. There is a range of treatment approaches like medication, surgery, general lifestyle modifications (rest and exercise), physical therapy (UK: Physiotherapy), support groups, occupational therapy and speech therapy.

Treatment methods:

* Medication
* Exercise and Physical Therapy
* Speech Therapy 
* Occupational Therapy
* Surgery
           => Deep Brain Stimulation
           => Thalamotomy
           => Pallidotomy
           => Subthalatotomy
* Alternative Therapies like Massage, Acupuncture, Herbal Remedies
* High nutrition diet that includes fibre, also adequate fluid consumption
Is Parkinson's disease curable using Stem Cell Therapy?

Despite the root cause of Parkinson’s is unknown, but medical researchers are aware of the cells and the areas of the brain that are involved. Stem Cell Therapy has been found quite effective as a treatment option for the patients of Parkinson’s diseases. Worldwide researchers have found that:

* Embryonic Stem Cells can be programmed to develop Dopamine-producing neurons that can be transplanted into such patients.

* Induced Pluripotent Stem (iPS) Cells can be developed from a patient’s adult skin cells, and then can be implemented to make Dopamine-producing cells

This mode of treatment has shown a very positive impact on such patients and the specialists in this field are highly optimistic about using this more regularly.

Cost of Treatment in India

Being a leading and one of the most cost effective treatment destinations, India serves as a major ray of hope for countless patients located all over the globe. Looking at reasonably priced treatment and surgery packages, there is no doubt in the minds of these patients that they are the right decision by opting for India as their treatment destination. Like other treatments and surgeries, there is possibility of the best treatment for Parkinson's disease in India that too at extremely affordable prices. The patients suffering from Parkinson’s disease are very satisfied with the way the treatment packages are customized and priced in India suiting their convenience.

Contact Us to get best Medical Services

In India, Dheeraj Bojwani Consultants are doing an extremely appreciable task by assisting numerous patients, who are in desperate need for the treatment and surgery associated with Parkinson’s disease. The primary aim behind the establishment of this medical tourism service provider was to plan the medical tours for the international patients in the best ways possible. Also, Dheeraj Bojwani Consultants has a much wide range of tailor-made services, which have been planned by keeping in the mind the comfort of the patients.

Connect with best medical consultants at or dial +91 9860755000 to take low cost medical treat benefits in India

So, in order to reap the maximum benefits of these services, please contact us at the earliest so that we can offer you the best possible packages to help you get back to the best health condition.

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parkinson diseases

parkinson diseases


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