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Competitive Wedge

Competitive Wedge is a video interviewing platform.Their current services include the following components - B2B and B2C video screening platform and cover letter tool. Wedge is now pivoting to introduce this tool to consumer facing, where a Jobseeker can record themselves and use in their job application process.  
The Challenge Competitive Wedge is seeking:
1.A robust understanding of job-seeker needs
2.A UX strategy tuned to those needs
3.A set of design principles to guide UX/IA/UI design forward
4.Hi-fidelity prototypes that describe the new user experience

1.Suggested features and/or redesign recommendations
2.Product sketches & wireframes
3.Use cases & user stories
4.User flows
5.Site maps
6.Basic prototypes & usability testing results
7. Hi-fidelity mockups
For our first mid-week meeting with the client we did research on — 
1.Current Video recording tools
2.Companies that use the tool/services
3.Job seekers needs
4.HR/Recruiters hiring process

Mid-Week Client Meeting
We presented what we learned from the current market, job trends, HRs/Recruiters, especially how Jobseekers think about video screening and how the authenticity in interviews plays a big role. Based on the discussions and client's feedback we wanted to make the wedge more user friendly and less stressful to the user.
But the question is — “who is our first user”?
Current Version Testing
Based on the user test results from the current version of the wedge, we captured the following pain points — 
1.Each interview question is asked by different individual
2.'Practice position’ confused the users
3.The users do not like to see themselves on the screen
4. Unclear instructions on the video recording
Where does it fit ?
Out of all the job seekers and HR/Recruiters we spoke to, only one interviewee mentioned using a video cover letter in the hiring process.
It’s a new tool and we want to explore - 
     1. Where does the video resume fit in the jobseekers job search process?
     2. What motivates the jobseeker to create a wedge?
First Customer
After many interviews with jobseekers we asked ourselves —  how do they learn about Wedge and how can we motivate them to use it. With this in mind, we developed our first ideal customer who we think will have the motivation to record a video screening interview. 
Feature Ideation
We brainstormed on page by page features to incorporate that meets the needs of our ideal jobseeker/user.
After coming with a list of features, 53 to be precise, we picked the most valuable, usable and useful features as a part of our first MVP (Most Viable Product).
Design Principles
Valuable for sharing — on social media, with family & friends, future employers
Easy to navigate — clear CTA’s, consistency, visuals
Design to support relaxed focus — breathing exercise, harmonious color scheme, positivity
Help people distill a compelling story — guidance, structure, camera ready tips
Help people understand how to bring out the best in themselves — through self-reflection, writing, revision of videos
User Journey
Here is a journey map of - who we feel our first ideal user is, Sarah, who is switching careers, and involved in the bootcamps.
Ecosystem of a Career Changer
We wanted to understand the ecosystem of a job seeker who is independent and on their own trying to find a job. What else has to be present in the system in order for them to succeed. Do people have enough motivation?
We built a reference diagram to show, jobseeker with and without the support system.​​​​​​​
Jobseekers Referral process
Jobseekers connections start from their close ties, like family,friends,who will help establish connections with their circle of friends. As you can see a tier of connections,here.
From friends/Family - Acquaintances - friends of friends, who get the Job seeker closer to the job.
We believe wedge will be most helpful in the second and 3rd rings.
Wedge makes it easier for friend of friend to recommend , instead of writing a letter, they can just pass the wedge.
Initial idea was to incorporate Myers Briggs personality evaluation test and add the results into the tool. The jobseeker will then select 3 most applicable keywords and build a personal brand story around the selected keywords.
Prototype Test Results
Based on the test results, we decided to drop the idea of selecting keywords to build a brand statement. This was not quite helping the job seeker to create a success story. We decided to change the initial idea of brand statement to values narrative by introducing the S.T.A.R method. 

We built a step by step guide for the job seeker with examples and introduced S.T.A.R. method to help users craft a compelling story based on their successes.
Hi-Fidelity Prototype
Based on the test results,from the existing B2B platform, we found some of the features like practice position, interview question prompts are confusing the jobseeker. We dropped both the features and built - equipment test and 90 sec time to create a compelling story.
During many user interviews we learnt how stressful it is to record themselves. And to make it enjoyable and fun, we created illustrations of the wedge character that helps ease up before recording a video. 
 We proposed the below features to the client that we believe can add value in expanding the product further. 
1. The feedback mechanism to and from friends & family would include a voting system to help the job seeker select which Wedge they should distribute. 
2. A personality assessment could assist the candidate in defining their strengths so they can highlight them in their videos effectively. This could be in a link to the Myers Briggs test or one directly inside the website.
3. There could be a recruiter interface that allows recruiters and HR managers to access videos that job seekers create. Candidates could upload resumes and portfolios as well, to provide a well rounded idea of who they are. A keyword and hashtag system would be helpful here for finding candidates with the qualities that employers are looking for.
4. Having a career coach who could assist with the creation of wedge, provide feedback, and help it get into the right hands. This would also help broaden the target user base who are not currently supported by career services.
Competitive Wedge

Competitive Wedge
