Kai Parel-Sewell's profile

Photoshop Explorations

For this photo it was hard to select only the sky, which would allow me to change only the color of the sky. However, due to the intricacies of the trees, this was very difficult, so I used the hue/saturation adjustment layer to adjust only the blues in the photo, leading to some changes in color outside of the sky which I adjusted by changing more specific colors.

While I like the overall composition of the color, I dislike the mis-colored areas where the sky meets the mountain and trees. 
For this photo, I had to figure out how to isolate her with the blended photo. I got the photo where I wanted it, merged the layers, used the select tool to make a new layer, then manually feathered it so I could brush in the white around it.

While I like the colors and composition of this photo, the house on her unfocused face, as well as her unfocused face, bother me.
It was tricky to avoid getting distracting elements, so I had to keep the two layers separate and erase the parts covering her face at a low opacity.

Honestly, there is nothing I don't like about this photo, I like all of it.
I didn't face many problems producing this photo, I had already worked out all the problems from practicing on the other photos and in previous experience. 

I really like the stars and the color of the sky in this photo. However, upon closer inspection there is an outline around all the leaves which is rather irksome.
For this photo, I wanted to crop it, but keep the leaves in the upper left in the photo. I used a rectangular selection to figure out the new crop, recorded it using rulers, then used the cloning tool to replicate them in the new frame.

Again, there is not much I don't like about this photo, I think the colors and vintage look came out very well.
I didn't use any tutorials for these photos.
Photoshop Explorations

Photoshop Explorations
