Jessica Rabbit, drawn by hand, traced in Illustrator, textured and shaded in Photoshop
essica Rabbit, drawn by hand, traced in Illustrator, textured and shaded in Photoshop
Aladdin and Abu, drawn by hand, traced in Illustrator, textured and shaded in Photoshop
I was trying something different for this illustration of a cyberman, and liked it, so produced some more...
Dalek, based on the Cyberman two-color highlight drawing
TARDIS, based on the Cyberman two-color highlight drawing
Strax, Jenny & Madame Vastra - my attempt at something more organic, rather than the hard lines of the Dalek, Cyberman and Tardis of illustrations above. I need more practice, I think!
My riff on a graphic for K9 builders (of which I'm one!), inspired by the R2D2 builders logo
Book cover illustration for Telos


Some fun illustrations, mainly personal projects.
