The botanical name of Lucky Bamboo is Dracena Sanderiana. The Lucky Bamboo is named after a renowned German–English gardener Henry Frederick Conrad Sander
A common problem for Lucky Bamboo plants are chlorine. Tap water contains chlorine that are not good for your plant. It can cause brown tip or cause the leaves to turn yellow
Bamboo is a plant that is well-known for bringing good luck and is one of the essential elements of Feng Shui
According to Feng Shui the positive effect of the Lucky Bamboo plant differs with the number of Lucky Bamboo stalks that are bound together. For example: Two stalks represent love. Three stalks represent Fu (happiness), Lu (wealth), and Soh (long life)
The Lucky Bamboo is not a Bamboo plant at all. It belongs to the same family as the Lily plants. It is native to the tropical rain forests of Africa and parts of South East Asia
The Lucky Bamboo plant grows well in a vase filled with pebbles with just an inch of water above the pebbles. You can add a drop of liquid fertilizer once a week to encourage growth. It can also grow in well aerated potted soil. The Lucky Bamboo needs clean water. The water should be changed once in every two weeks
Lucky Bamboo


Lucky Bamboo
