My concentration is observing the movement of light in order to create contrast and balance.         
       In the beginning of my concentration, I mainly focussed on capturing light in a natural environment. In #4, I maintained a slow shutter speed in order to capture the ambient red rays of light, therefore instilling a balance between my friend in the photo and the negative space in the sky. As I continued through my progression into the next four pieces, I began to focus more on illuminating different objects. In essence I began to create light in order to enhance the composition rather than observing light in a natural setting. I do this in #8 by using a small flashlight in order to create a strong contrast between the light and the shadows it casted upon my hand. As time went on I began to compound my idea into capturing light in a more abstract way. In my last four pieces, I used separately captured light and incorporated it into another medium. I do this explicitly in #11 when I casted a large red light upon a car and used another white flashlight to create movement around the side of the car in order to move the viewer’s eyes across the piece. I then incorporated a space-like atmosphere into the horizon, in order to create a eerie unity between the red haze of the foreground and the fading background.


Light Painting
