Allison Gajewski's profile

Original Character Exploration: Data

Meet Data! He exists alongside Chip and Lord Deimos, who’s story and characters belong to my girlfriend Kia Taylor! (By extension, he also exists alongside with Marv in the same universe as well!) Anyways, we were talking about me designing one of Deimos’s other henchmen to call my own, so here he is! 
Data is an optimistic, hard working, easily flustered, and hopeless romantic robot who enjoys being social and completing his work on time. He has a massive crush on Lord Deimos, but would never admit it since he thinks it’s too unprofessional to have feelings for the higher up who’s in charge, so he writes poetry in secret to vent his feelings. He’s more on the popular side among the other worker bots since he’s so openly friendly while most of the other robots have not-so-good attitudes. Obviously on the outside he loves to be perceived as positive and as a ray of sunshine on the armada, but he battles a lot of self conflicted emotions since he doesn’t always agree with the war tactics their army uses. 

It's also worth mentioning that Data's crush on Deimos is based only on what he’s heard/seen, not based on interactions or knowledge. It’s actually more of a fascination more than anything else in reality. He was longing for companionship, so he started to feel attraction to the only robot who’s ever truly trusted him with authority, which was Deimos. Data is not shallow, he just doesn’t know anything outside of the life he’s had so far, and doesn’t have anyone else to look up to.

When he gets overwhelmed, sad, or depressed, he does so in complete secret because he’s afraid of ruining his reputation of positivity. He puts a lot of pressure on himself to stay strong for everyone including himself. To him, his happy and excitable exterior is is armor. Not to say that his happiness is fake, because it most certainly isn’t. He loves the job he’s been assigned…However, who’s to say he’s not going to break free from his position one day? If any of the henchbots has the capability to become independent, it’s Data. 
Here's another test of exploring into Data’s character and background. No, his given room/space on the ship wasn’t this dirty or vacant, this is actually the secret space he found in the crevasses of the main armada that he’s come to call his own. It’s a small grey room-like area between the floors, assumed to a the space underneath one of the many staircases. It’s where he goes when he wants to be alone or focus on his own projects without the distractions of working on a busy floor filled with other henchbots running around.
He feels that he has to sneak around to work on his non-work related projects because of fear that the higher-ups might find out. Data’s been secretly planning to leave the armada for a while now out of curiosity of the universe he has never gotten to see. However, once a henchman is built to serve Deimos and his fleet, that’s where they’re designed to stay. Therefore, he’s under the impression he’s breaking serious rules by developing this plot and the tools to make it happen, and so far there’s nothing to say that he isn’t. No other robot has attempted this, so there’s no reference for him to fall back on either. 

He’s still far from completing his escape ship since he’s still only in the blueprint building stage, so for now it’s nothing more than a scientifically plausible dream. One day though, he knows that it’ll come to fruition if he keeps working to make it a reality.
Here's also one of the other henchbots that Data works with! His name is Chip and he's Data's best friend and co-worker! 
Also! Besides Chip, Data also has a team of his own! 
Data and the rest of his squad in sector H of the armada! Meet Chrome and Dottie! They’re two other henchbots that were assigned to work alongside Data, with Data leading all three of them on missions and coding input. Chrome is an introverted yet outgoing bot who specializes in coding and shield maintenance, and Dottie is an extroverted yet slightly pessimistic bot who specializes in weapon repair and routine surveillance maintenance.

Even though Data is the greatest coder and general maintenance worker in the entire armada, he still has some trouble with a few exact specifics. That’s where Chrome and Dottie come in! Having these two working alongside him to form sector H makes their team unstoppable and one of Deimos’s greatest working assets.
(Data and the rest of Sector H; Chrome, and Dottie celebrating LGBT Pride month 2019!)
(Note: This project is still pretty new! More media/drawings exploring/featuring Data is coming soon! Thanks for reading this far!)
(All characters and artwork shown © Allison Gajewski, 2018-2019)
Original Character Exploration: Data

Original Character Exploration: Data
