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The Silence Pavilion

In our modern-day society, we face numerous challenges and stress every single day. We bring our stressfulness of life everywhere we go. Through our daily stress, we often take sounds for granted and regard them as noise. This deadly cycle in turn drowns out our sensitivity towards the beauty of sound and silence in our everyday lives; thus causing more and more people to breakdown from depressions and frustrations nowadays.
The different kinds of silence are interpreted to exist with or without the presence of sound. Everyone has a different perspective towards silence, thus every situation applies to everyone uniquely. Some seek silence from nature, childhood memories or nostalgic places for reflection.

The equilibrium of sensitivity and focus creates a balanced composition of chaos and peace. This in turn reflects the notion that the different kinds silence can still be felt within in our daily chaotic lives.
An overview of the pavilion showcases how the residents can engage themselves and interact with the space differently.
As time passes, the way the residents transits and move through these linear shapes and forms, creates an ‘infinite’ flow which inspired me in creating a circular communal seating. The circular form softens and balances with the rigidity of the space.
The existing columns that stretches from the first level to the second level inspired me to create an indoor forest pathway, where the layers of timber columns creates depth and sense of curiosity.
When the sun sets and the night arrives, the silence pavilion brings a different mood in providing a sense of tranquility for residents who needs a quiet space to contemplate.
On rainy days the rain hitting on the reflection pond causes water to ripple in an uneven momentum. With the rain drops breaking the silence of the still pond, it ironically brings a different sense of silence and peace.
The materials used are mainly earth tone colours and texture, so as a allow the pavilion to blend to the environment smoothly. The textures of the stone and timber is beautifully enhanced with the sun shining through the skylights.
In replacement to the existing pavilion stage, this communal garden gives the residents a sense of attachment and belonging to the space. Through gardening, the scent and view of the flowers provides a soothing mood for anyone that passes by.
With the reflection pond extending in through the pavilion, it reflects an infinite flow of water that gives life to the space through sound and vision.
The timber columns continues upwards to the second storey, providing coverage and a more private setting for the residents.
The Silence Pavilion

The Silence Pavilion

Ultimately, it is a communal project on the surface and a personal project at its heart. Where people relax and realign their thoughts; somewhere Read More
