Angie Noon's profile

Curate. Creat. Created

The project was for my second year at uni. We had to make a book entitled - Curate. Create. Created, which would show all the work we had done in that year. 
Instead of making a single book for the project, I decided to make a set of books that would spell out the title when laid out flat in the box - Curate. Create. Created. 
A book on our field trip to Berlin.
The pink book is the 'C' for the middle books 'create and created.'
One of the pages from one of the smaller books.
Inside one of the long thin books for our CCS project on Ethical Practice.
Curate. Creat. Created


Curate. Creat. Created

We had to design a book based on our years work with the title Curate. Create. Created.
