I felt that shaders were a hole in my understanding of game programming, so I wanted to set aside some time to learn them. These are a few shaders I made in my free time.
Fractal Geometry Shader
This shader adds vertices to a base model and recursively extends them outward to create a fractal tree. Each image shows a different branching angle for the fractal. 
Texture Blend Shader
This is a shader that blends two textures together based on a UV map. The grey stone and brown dirt textures are blended using the marble texture as a map. The three images show different transition points between the textures. 
Ghost Shader
This is a translucent shader I wrote to create a ghost effect. The shader makes the model translucent, as well as giving the model a shimmering affect by applying a wave function across its vertices. The model to the right is the base. The model to the left has the shader applied. 


A series of CG shaders


Creative Fields