Katalin Rozsályi's profile

IAPAC Brand Identity and Campaign

IAPAC – International Association
of Providers of AIDS Care
Arculat újratervezés és kampánytervezés

Tevékenységi körük: az AIDS megbetegedések megelőzése, kezelésének felügyelete és felvilágosítás. HIV-vel, hepatitisszel, maláriával, tuberkolózissal is foglalkoznak. Céljuk, hogy kialakítsanak egy jó stratégiát a globális oktatásra és megelőzésre és növelni akarják a minőségét a betegellátásnak.

A célom egy olyan arculat megtervezése volt, ami nemzetközileg szerethető és egy kampány a magyar lakosoknak, ami megelőzheti és csökkentheti a diszkriminációt és a társadalmi halálát a HIV/AIDS-el élőknek.
Az új logóban az egyetlen, amit megtartottam a régiből, a Piros Szalag.

The Project

IAPAC is an organization based in Washington, DC. They are working to ensure that wherever they live, whatever their resources, people living with HIV/AIDS and combined conditions are getting high-quality care. Their motto of “battling complacency, advancing commitment” reflects a global need to move with deliberate speed to confront the many challenges faced by people living with HIV/AIDS and their healthcare providers.

The ultimate goal was to make a new visual identity design appealing to the international audience and create a campaign for the Hungarian target group to prevent discrimination and social death of people who live with HIV/AIDS.

I started by getting to know IAPAC. Whom do IAPAC is for? What do they represent? After these questions got answered I began to sketch out ideas for the logo. The final one represents a stop sign (stop AIDS), a hand which means togetherness, and I included the Red Ribbon from the previous logo.


Stigma kills, not the HIV

The message of the campaign is:
"Stigma kills too, not just the HIV"

The campaign is against discrimination. Sometimes people who live with AIDS are socially dead, because they are bullied or ignored, they are not treated in health care and so on. This campaign tells this story, and inform you about how to approach people with AIDS.

IAPAC Brand Identity and Campaign

IAPAC Brand Identity and Campaign

This is a branding and campaign project for IAPAC.


Creative Fields