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Sous-vide cooking (Home research) 2018-present

Sous vide salmon supreme (25/3/18)

This salmon supreme came from a whole salmon that I bought, filleted and portioned a week before. As I froze the portions I cooked the salmon for 1 hour at 50c. I then drained it off and sear it in a hot pan with crispy golden skin. The salmon tasted very moist and flavourful. I really enjoyed it but wouldn't cook salmon sous vide everytime. As I believe if you cook salmon in a hot pan the finish it throught the oven it's good. I would only cook it sous vide if I was doing a large funtion of 100 covers. I would sous-vide them, then sear the a la minute.
Sous-vide mashed potato (Version 1) (9/7/18)

I cut the potatoes into slices, placed them in a bag with butter, milk and salt.
Then cooked at 90c for 40 minutes. After that I placed it into a blender then whizzed it all together. I was left with a glue like mess. I just treated it the same way I would make a carrot puree for example.
Potatoes are a starch vegtable and is completely different to non-startchy vegetables. When I placed it into the blender, it tore all the startch molecules in the cooked potato. Therefore the starch was released and reacted with all the liquid (Milk etc..) within the potato. Thickening it into a gloopy mess.
Next time I need to be more gentle with the potato and mash it with a mouli or ricer. So the starch molecules can stay intact to allow the liquids to coat it. Making it into a light fluffy creamy mash.
Sous-vide mashed potato (Version 2) (11/7/18)

This is my second attempt at the sous-vide mashed potato. I learnt from all the mistakes from the last attempt. I allowed it to cook at the consistent temperature. I seperated the liquids from the potato. When the potato was cooked I passed it through a sieve and the folded the milk and butter to enrich it at the end. It was velvety smooth and well seasoned.The only this I will say is that I should have added some more butter to it(Another 100g), next time.
Sous-vide cooking (Home research) 2018-present

Sous-vide cooking (Home research) 2018-present


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