George Thomas's profile

Van McCann Illustration

The original photo of leader singer: Van McCann- who sings in popular indie rock band, 'Catfish and the Bottlemen'
Primarily, I outlined the photo using a drawing tablet. I am aware it is quite scruffy, but this is was an aspect of the aesthetic I was aiming for.
I then added colour/ tone to the portrait. Here, I was assisted by the eyedropper tool in Photoshop, as well as the magnetic lasso tool to help me highlight the areas I wanted to colour and prevent me going over the lines. To create depth, I used the paint brush tool, but set the opacity to around 25% so I continually had to click the same spot a few times to get the darker tones (e.g- collar of the jacket)
The final product is the outline layer and colour layer combined. Overall I am very happy with the outcome of this piece. I think the scruffy/ untidy aesthetic links with the genre of the band, and therefore would appeal to the target audience (if it was to ever be sold)
Van McCann Illustration

Van McCann Illustration

An illustration of lead singer Van McCann who performs in the indie rock band: Catfish and the Bottlemen.
