Lisa Manieri's profile

Corna Imagna's barns

small barn-stables from Valle Imagna, BG (IT)

Thousands of historical barns and stables are spread over Alps and most of them are in abandoned conditions. I made an architectural survey (photographic, decay and measures) of 25 historical stables of Corna Imagna, with the purpose of an evaluation of them as heritage sites. 
Survey drawings presented below, show stables peculiar T-shaped entrance, one of the most unique element of the whole structure.
Personal Research - Master Thesis

Where: Corna Imagna, BG
Who: Lisa Manieri
Corna Imagna's barns

Corna Imagna's barns

In 2018 I had an architectural survey on historical medioeval barns, around Valle Imagna BG. Those drawing show what remains of medieval traditio Read More
