Earning consumer loyalty through experience innovation.

With a global presence, Walgreens already had an established brand; however, online users weren't sticking around. Our web experience needed to be super simple while improving our overall value in order to build trust with the user. We set out to balance goal-oriented tasks with opportunities to explore.

Our current homepage was lacking hierarchy, simplicity, and readability. This was making even common tasks, cumbersome and confusing. By removing these distractions, we encourage exploration and ensure user friendliness.

I broke down our friction points into three main problems:

1. Excessive Information Density
Sensory overload bogged down the user, making it difficult for them to complete certain tasks and page goals.

2. Poor Hierarchy

The elements on the page are not designed in a way that promotes readability. Content feels scattered and unorganized.

3. Unnecessary Variation

Multiple CTA treatments, along with varying typefaces, size, and weights adds an unnecessary element of confusion.
During user research, we defined four different audiences — the photo enthusiast, the beauty buff, the pharmacy patron, and the retail shopper. We also discovered that completing goal-oriented tasks was paramount to the user. By identifying and understanding our user’s context, goals, and motivations, we added key functionality while restructuring the site to allow for prioritization of content. This included developing a modular system that would stack on itself, and reprioritize based on the users behavior. This allowed us to create a personalized experience that would attract each user.
A unique digital experience that personalizes a customers shopping experience through visual storytelling. We removed all unnecessary elements and variations, and chose to follow our style guide with regards to colors, icons, and typography, resulting in users being able to quickly digest content. When a piece of content catches their eye, it reads clearly and encourages interaction.


Earning consumer loyalty through experience innovation. Today’s consumer desires less stuff and more relevant and tailored experiences. Walgreen Read More
