Guilherme Sutto de Rezende's profile

Project 1: Cameo/Caricature


On Producing my own cameo, I have used the old Roman and Greek style as an inspiration for the form and style, but I also wanted to bring something more modern to it, having the objective of blending the classic and the modern. With that in mind, I had some iterations with different colors and borders in order to find the best mix, as you can see I tried to utilize color, but It was not bringing the modern aspect that I expected, so I decided to modify the border into a new one which had a more simple and clean design with less curves and edges, most importantly a border that had no ending like how our world work today, globalized and linked.


My goal for this project was to reach the same aesthetic of caricature that I have grown up seeing in Brazil, to achieve that I used the same technique and style that I remember the artists using, big heads and exaggerated parts like nose and beard for example and on the body, they shrink the height and enlarge the width creating a distorted miniature of the person, always focusing on the action that they are executing and the emotion being transmitted.
On this caricature I putted my friend on the Brazilian football team uniform as the world cup is happening right now and he is a fan of football. With football and the world cup in mind, I asked him to do something that he would do if he had scored a goal, and he came up with the celebration in his face, which served for me as an inspiration to make his caricature, and the body position came to my mind after taking a picture of him trying to balance himself on the air getting ready to shoot the ball.

The colors used came from the official Brazilian football uniform, the yellow/green for the shirt and the blue for the shorts, but as it is a caricature I made some changes like using pants and a more social shirt rather than the sportive wear and last but not least the ball used is the classic football ball called Telstar used in the 1970 World Cup.
How it was produced
To produce both projects I have used Adobe Illustrator, an iPad, the iPad camera, Adobe Draw, a stylus and Adobe Creative Cloud. Through taking photos and retracing it in order to create a style based on reality

The most interesting thing about this project for me that surprised me was the App called Adobe Draw on the iPad which I have used with a stylus in order to draw, at first it was harder than I thought, but after some time I got used to it and I could achieve the style that I wanted without any difficulties, I have even used some tricks that I learned that made me very comfortable with the App, the other thing that got me intrigued was how easy Adobe made the connection between its mobile App and its desktop as I have used this connection to do the final touches on the desktop using Adobe Illustrator.
Project 1: Cameo/Caricature

Project 1: Cameo/Caricature
