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Across all creation lies impermanence

All Across Creation Lies Impermanence

An exploration of man, machine and nature and how their forms are dependent on one another to function. The cycle of creation and destruction, cause and effect between the objects illustrates how our presence affect each other and therefore our forms do not remain fixed, but instead, manifest and morph into other forms.
Therein lies the idea of Impermanence. Whether natural or artificial, impermanence drives every form on earth into a constant state of creation, destruction, death and revival. When we are aware that all things are impermanent, we are able to look at things in perspective and admire the beauty of change rather than suffer in the misery of not being able to hold on to life. In the words of Thich Nhat Hahn, "Impermanence is an instrument for our liberation".
While touching on the subject of liberation, Buddhist cosmology has strongly influenced the work. Mountains are seen as ascension to a higher plane, the faithful must forget the earth, leaving its passions and unhappiness behind. As he is nearing the divine, forms become more abstracted and eventually dissolve into absolute nothingness.  Here, the faithful transcends all forms of state, he has gained peace and enlightenment.  

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Across all creation lies impermanence

Across all creation lies impermanence

An exploration of man, machine and nature and how their forms are dependent on one another to function. The cycle of creation and destruction, ca Read More


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