After everything that I’ve learned the importance of knowing and understanding about material waste, I started to recycle used clothing into children’s stuffed animals. P.Stuffies is a personal project that I started in early 2018 and still ongoing until now. This comes from my passion in designing tools that help children’s early development in education and comfort.

All the dolls are personified. The green bear is called Olive, made out of a soft fleece material fabric and a brown button as a nose. She has a round tail that is similar to her round ears. May is a shy bunny, with clothing inspired by the olden days milk maids - made out of floral patterned skirt and laced tops. Poppi is a honey bear, made out of a black vest and cut out pieces of jeans. She's not as soft and squishy as May and Olive because she is stuffed mostly with a tougher fabric, however, Poppi is the toughest and tallest out of them both, so it is fair to have her stronger in structure too.
With more ideas to come, these cute wood-ling friends will have more friends in the future and we shall see what will be of them in the future as I might have to find homes for them to abide in in the end. 


Reducing fabric waste by making children's stuffed animals
