Matt McDermott's profile

Goucher Undaunted: A Capital Campaign

Raise $100 million by 2022 for Goucher College's campus construction and renovation effort. 

To inspire donors, alums, and stakeholders — many who’ve had no contact with the school in years — we celebrated the stories of students who've taken risks, overcome fears, and ventured into the unknown. 

The integrated campaign — including video, web, social media, email, events, and print — has helped the school get halfway to its fundraising goal in just its first year.

Case Statement Excerpts
Shots from the gala installation.
Creative Director / Matt McDermott
Art Director / Wesley Stuckey
Senior Designer / Courtney Glancy
Senior Designer / Joe Glorioso
Web Developer / Steve Stephenson
Copywriter / Matt McDermott
Video Production / Cerebral Lounge
Goucher Undaunted: A Capital Campaign

Goucher Undaunted: A Capital Campaign

Capital fundraising campaign for a liberal arts college in Maryland.
